所属栏目: 党委组织部 发布者:党委组织部 发布日期:2017-06-14 点击率:2240



第一条These Rules are formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, the Rules for the work of the Communist Party of China on the Work of the Communist Party of China on the Work of the Communist Party of China on the Work of the Communist Party of China on the Work of the Communist Party of China on the Work of the Communist Party of China and the relevant provisions within the Party in order to further regulate the work of the development of Party members in Anhui Province, ensure the quality of the newly developed Party members, and maintain the Party's advanced nature and purity。

第二条Party organizations at all levels of the college shall incorporate Marxist belief, communist consciousness and belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics,自觉践行社会主义核心价值观的先进分子入党,作为一项经常性重要工作,Focus on the development of party members among outstanding young and middle-aged teachers and outstanding college students in teaching and research。

第三条The college's work in developing party members shall implement the Party's basic theory, line, program, experience and requirements,按照控制总量、优化结构、提高质量、发挥作用的总要求,坚持党章规定的党员标准,始终把政治标准放在首位;坚持慎重发展、均衡发展,有领导、有计划地进行;坚持入党自愿原则和个别吸收原则,成熟一个,发展一个。



第四条College Party organizations at all levels should promote the Party's political views and carry out in-depth and detailed ideological and political work, improve non-Party people's understanding of the Party, starting from the admission of college students, faculty and staff, adhere to early education, early detection, early training, and constantly expand the number of active Party members。

第五条Any advanced member of the faculty, students and staff of Chinese nationality who has reached the age of 18 and is studying or working in an institute, recognizes the program and Constitution of the Party, and is willing to join and work actively in one of the Party's organizations, implement the Party's resolutions and pay membership dues on time may apply for membership in the Communist Party of China。

An applicant for Party membership shall submit an application for Party membership to the Party branch of the primary unit of the college where he/she works or studies。Full-time students are not allowed to submit an application for Party membership to the Party branch of the place of residence or residence。Students jointly trained by multiple colleges should submit an application for Party membership to the grass-roots party branch of the college where they teach and manage。

第六条After receiving the application for Party membership, the Party branch shall conduct a preliminary examination of the applicant's qualifications, and send a member of the branch committee or a full party member to talk with him or her within one month to understand his or her basic situation。

第七条To determine active party members among the applicants for Party membership, candidates should be selected by party members' recommendation, group organization, etc., studied and decided by the branch committee (no branch committee is set up by the branch general assembly, the same below), examined by the Party organization at the school (department) level, and reported to the college Party committee for the record。

第八条The Party branch shall designate one or two full Party members as the training contacts for active Party members, and the main tasks of training contacts are:


(2) To understand the political consciousness, moral character, realistic performance and family situation of active Party members, do a good job in training and education, and guide active Party members to correct the motivation for joining the Party;




第十条Active members of the Party should submit a written ideological report to the Party branch at least every six months, which mainly includes: the understanding of the Party's theory, line, guidelines and policies, the experience and harvest of participating in Party organization activities, the achievements made in study and work, and the personal ideological status and direction of efforts。

第十一条党支部每半年要对入党积极分子进行一次考察,并做好考察记录。The Party committee of the college analyzes the situation of the active party members every year, proposes improvement measures in view of existing problems, and the party organization at the college (department) level implements the rectification measures。

第十二条For the active Party members transferred to the college, the party branch, the school (department) level party organization and the Party Committee organization Department shall carefully review the relevant materials, and those who pass the examination shall continue to do a good job in training and education。培养教育时间可连续计算。For the active party members transferred out of the college, the party branch, the school (department) level party organization and the organization department of the Party Committee shall promptly transfer the relevant materials such as training and education to the party organization of the receiving unit。


第十三条After more than one year of training and education and investigation, basically have the conditions of party members, on the basis of listening to the party group, training contacts, party members and the masses on the basis of discussion and agreement of the branch committee, the school (department) level party organization approved, reported to the organization Department of the college Party Committee for the record, can be listed as the development object。

The determination of the participants in the forum for students to join the Party actively and solicit opinions should be based on the principle of knowledge, generally: the head of the league organization, counselors, class teachers, teachers and representatives of students in the same class, at the same level or in the same major。也可采取个别谈话的方式征求意见。

第十四条In determining the target of development, we must always put political standards first, focusing on whether the target of development has firm ideals and convictions and good moral conduct, and whether it consciously strives for the Party's program。

To determine the development object of faculty and staff, it is also necessary to see whether they adhere to teaching, management and education, service and education, whether they have outstanding performance in teaching, scientific research, management and service, and whether they have a good mass foundation。

To determine the development object of students, we also need to see whether they are positive and outstanding in study, work and life。It is necessary to adhere to the comprehensive quality as an important content of the development of student party members, pay attention to the students' consistent performance and critical moment performance, self-evaluation and mass review, learning and social practice, and prevent simply taking academic performance as the main condition for the development of party members。




(1) To explain the Party's programme and Constitution to the development targets, and to explain the conditions, obligations and rights of party members;

(2) Conscientiously understand the motivation, political consciousness, moral character, work and study experience, and realistic performance of the development object, and truthfully report to the Party organization;

(3) Guide the development object to fill out the Application for the Communist Party of China to join the Party, and carefully fill in their own opinions;




The main contents of political examination are: attitude towards the Party's theory, line, principles and policies;Political history and performance in major political struggles;Compliance with laws and regulations and observance of social ethics;The political situation of the immediate family and the main social relations close to the person。

The basic methods of political vetting are: interviews with the person, access to the relevant archives, interviews with the relevant units and personnel, and the necessary correspondence or external transfer。When conducting political review of the development objects among the mobile people, the opinions of the grass-roots party organizations in the place of their household registration and residence should also be sought。



The political review work is generally carried out by the grass-roots party branch, and can be organized and implemented by the Party organization of the college (department) level or the Party Committee organization department when it is transferred or transferred abroad。

第十七条The party organization of the college (department) level or the organization department of the Party Committee of the college shall conduct short-term centralized training for the development objects。集中培训工作通常在欧洲杯投注官网app党校或院(系)级单位分党校进行。培训时间一般不少于三天(或不少于二十四个学时)。During the training, I mainly studied the Party Constitution, Several Guidelines on Political Life within the Party and other documents and basic knowledge of the Party。中央组织部组织编写的《欧洲杯投注官网app》,可以作为学习辅导材料。Those who pass the training and assessment can fill in the Registration Form for Training of Party Members' Development Objects for archiving or issue the Qualification Certificate for Training of Party Members' Development Objects.。





第十九条The branch committee shall strictly examine the development object, and publicize the basic situation of the development object within the appropriate scope, and the publicity time is five working days。If there is no objection to the publicity, it is considered qualified after collective discussion, or there is objection during the publicity period, and the collective research after the investigation and verification by the Party branch deems that it does not affect the development, it will be reported step by step to the Party committee with the approval authority for pre-examination。

预审单位对发展对象的条件、培养教育情况等进行审查。For the development of the middle level leading cadres of the college, the opinions of the discipline inspection and supervision department of the college should also be listened to。The results of the examination shall be notified to the Party branch in writing, and the Communist Party of China Application for Party membership shall be issued to the qualified development objects.。

If the development object will leave the College within the next three months, the procedures for accepting probationary party members are generally not handled。

第二十条The development objects who have passed the pre-examination shall carefully fill in the "Application for Party Membership of the Communist Party of China", and the branch committee shall strictly examine the "Application for Party membership of the Communist Party of China" and relevant materials filled in by the development objects, and then submit it to the branch general Assembly for discussion after collective discussion。

When a branch meeting is held to discuss the admission of probationary members, the number of members present with the right to vote must exceed half of the number of members present with the right to vote。


(1) The object of development reports on his knowledge of the Party, his motives for joining the Party, his resume, his family and main social relations, as well as the problems he needs to explain to the Party organization;

(2) The Party membership introducers introduce the relevant information about the development objects and express their opinions on whether they can join the Party;


(4) The participating party members will fully discuss whether the development object can join the Party, and vote by secret ballot。A resolution to admit probationary members must be passed only if the number of members in favour exceeds half of the full members who should be present and have the right to vote。Full party members with the right to vote who are unable to attend the meeting for some reason and who formally submit their written opinions to the Party branch before the meeting is held shall be counted in the votes。


党支部应结合工作实际,探索和创新支部大会形式。The development object can take a graphic presentation of the speech report, the party branch with dispersed party members can hold a branch conference in the form of network video, the branch conference can also invite party activists to attend to receive education, invite higher party organizations to send people to attend the development of party members, etc., and constantly enrich the form of the branch conference。

第二十二条The Party branch shall promptly write the resolution of the general Assembly into the "Application for Party Membership of the Communist Party of China", together with my application for Party membership, political review materials, training and education inspection materials, etc., and submit it to the higher Party committee for approval。

The resolutions of the branch assembly mainly include: the time, place and form of the meeting;The main manifestation of the development object;The number of party members who should or actually should be present and have the right to vote;The result of the vote;The date of adoption of the resolution;Signed by the branch secretary。


Party committees at the school (department) level may examine and approve party members;The General Party branch at the hospital (department) level cannot approve party members, but it shall examine the probationary party members accepted by the branch assembly, and the review opinions shall be written into the Application for Party Membership of the Communist Party of China.“总支部审查意见”栏后,报欧洲杯投注官网app党委审批。



第二十四条Before examining and approving a probationary party member, the Party committee shall assign a member of the Party committee (General branch) at the hospital (department) level of the development object or an organization member to talk with the development object。作进一步的了解,并帮助发展对象提高对党的认识。The interlocutor shall truthfully fill in the "Application for Party Membership of the Communist Party of China" and report to the Party Committee the information of the conversation and his own opinions on whether the development object can join the Party。


党委主要审议发展对象是否具备党员条件、入党手续是否完备。发展对象符合党员条件、入党手续完备的,批准其为预备党员。The Party Committee's approval opinions shall be written into the Communist Party of China's Application for Party Membership, indicating the start and end time of the preparatory period, and notifying the Party branch for approval。党支部应当及时通知本人并在党员大会上宣布。For those who have not been approved to join the Party, the Party branch should be notified, and the Party branch should notify me, and do a good job in ideological work。


第二十六条党委对党支部上报的接收预备党员的决议,应当在三个月内审批。If it is approved by the Party committee of the college (department), it shall be reported to the organizational department of the Party Committee of the college for the record;Those approved by the Party Committee of the college shall be archived by the Organization Department of the Party Committee of the College。如遇特殊情况可适当延长审批时间,但不得超过六个月。




第二十八条预备党员必须面向党旗进行入党宣誓。The Party membership oath ceremony is generally organized by the grass-roots party branch or the party organization at the school (department) level, and can also be centralized organized and implemented by the college Party committee。

第二十九条Party branches shall educate and inspect probationary party members by means of Party organizational life, listening to personal reports, individual heart-to-heart talks, intensive training, and practical exercises。

Probationary party members should take the initiative to report to the Party branch in writing at least once every six months about their thinking, study, work and other aspects。The party branch discusses the performance of probationary party members at least once every six months, and talks with them in time when problems are found。


预备党员预备期满,党支部应当及时讨论其能否转为正式党员。Those who conscientiously fulfill their obligations as party members and meet the conditions for membership shall be converted to full party members on schedule;Where further investigation and education are needed, the preparatory period may be extended once, not less than half a year and not more than one year at most;If a party fails to fulfill its obligations as a member or meets no qualifications for membership, its probationary membership shall be revoked。

If a probationary Party member commits a violation of Party discipline and the circumstances are relatively minor, but can still retain his probationary party membership, he shall be subject to criticism and education or the reserve period shall be extended;If the circumstances are serious, the probationary party membership shall be revoked。

The conversion of a probationary party member to a full party member, the extension of the reserve period or the cancellation of the probationary party membership shall be discussed and approved by the branch assembly and approved by the Party committee at a higher level with the authority to examine and approve。


第三十一条The procedure for the conversion of probationary party members is: I submit a written application for the conversion to the party branch half a month before the expiration of the preparatory period, the party group puts forward opinions, the party branch solicits the opinions of the party members and the masses, the publicity, the branch committee review, the branch general assembly discussion, vote through, and report to the higher party committee for approval。

The publicity before the conversion shall be carried out within the appropriate scope, and the publicity time shall be five working days;If there is no objection to the publicity, or there is objection during the publicity period, and the collective study does not affect the conversion after investigation and verification by the Party branch, it will be submitted to the branch general conference for discussion。

The branch general meeting to discuss the conversion of probationary members shall have the same requirements on the form of the meeting, the number of participants, and the number of supporters as the branch general meeting to discuss the acceptance of probationary members。

第三十二条The Party committee shall, within three months, examine and approve the resolution submitted by the Party branch on the conversion of a probationary party member。审批结果应当及时通知党支部。党支部书记应当同本人谈话,并将审批结果在党员大会上宣布。


第三十三条If a probationary party member who has not completed the reserve period is transferred out of the college for work, study and other reasons, the grass-roots party branch and the party organization at the school (department) level shall cooperate with the Organization Department of the Party Committee of the college to promptly introduce the training, education and investigation of the probationary party member to the party organization that accepts the probationary party member conscientiously and responsibly。

第三十四条The party organization and the party branch at the school (department) level shall strictly examine the party entry materials of the transferred probationary party members, and the probationary party members who cannot be identified shall be discussed and approved by the branch conference, agreed by the party organization at the school (department) level, reported to the Organization Department of the college Party Committee for approval, and shall not be recognized。有关情况由欧洲杯投注官网app党委组织部及时通报原单位党组织。

The Party branch may, at the expiration of the period of preparation of a transferred probationary party member, if it considers it necessary, postpone the discussion of the question of his/her conversion to regular status for a period not exceeding six months。转为正式党员的,其转正时间自预备期满之日算起。

第三十五条After a probationary party member is converted into a regular member, the Party branch shall promptly submit its CPC Application for Party membership, application for Party membership, materials for political examination, application for regular membership and materials for training and education inspection to the Party Committee and deposit them in its personnel files。If there is no personnel file, party member files shall be established and kept by the Party committee of the school (department) or the organization department of the Party committee of the college。


第三十六条College Party committees and college (department) level party organizations should include the development of party members in the important agenda, into the party building work responsibility system, as an important part of the party building work report, review, assessment and party affairs disclosure。

For the development of party members, the college (department) level party organizations should be inspected once every six months, and the inspection results should be reported to the organization Department of the College Party Committee in a timely manner, which will report to the college Party Committee after summarizing the situation of the school, and inform the college (department) level party organizations。

第三十七条The Organization Department of the Party Committee shall annually report to the Party Committee and the organization department of the Party Committee at a higher level on the work of developing party members and the work plan for developing Party members。It is necessary to truthfully reflect tendentious questions and the investigation and punishment of party members who violate regulations。

第三十八条欧洲杯投注官网app党委要重视基层党务工作者队伍建设。It is necessary to attach importance to the selection and staffing of Party branch secretaries, and at the same time to equip a sufficient number of full-time and part-time organization personnel, strengthen education and training, create conditions for them to carry out their work, and give full play to their role in developing party members。

第三十九条Party organizations at all levels of the college should be seriously investigated and punished for violations of rules and regulations and improper practices in the work of developing party members。Party organizations that do not adhere to standards, fail to perform procedures, exceed the time limit for examination and approval, fail to train and inspect, and fail to strictly examine and check the Party organizations and their responsible persons and directly responsible persons shall be criticized and educated, and disciplinary measures shall be taken in serious cases。Typical cases shall be notified in a timely manner, and those who are admitted into the Party in violation of regulations shall not be recognized, and shall be announced at the branch conference。

Anyone who adopts fraud or other means to develop a person who does not meet the requirements for a Party member into a Party member, or issues a party member identity certificate for a non-Party member, shall be dealt with seriously in accordance with discipline and law。

第四十条The Application Form for the Communist Party of China to Join the Party shall be uniformly printed by the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee in accordance with the format formulated by the Organization Department of the Central Committee, and distributed to the College by the organization department of the higher Party Committee of the College。


